You won't see the usual Kinbrace Tuesday dinner food preparation now, with COVID-19 . Photo credit: Loren Balisky

COVID-19 stops Tuesday dinners, but community thrives in a new way

April 7, 2020 by Loren Balisky

Suspending Tuesday dinners for COVID-19 in mid-March felt apocalyptic, the end of the world as we knew it. Weekly meals in this community of welcome for people seeking refugee protection started in 1998 around our family dining table.  These meals … Continue reading

Photo: Mark Janousek

Belonging starts here

January 21, 2020 by admin

By Anika Barlow, as published in the Vancouver Sun. I live in East Vancouver just off Commercial Drive. My house looks like a nondescript “Vancouver Special” from the street, but it’s far from ordinary by our city’s standards. Over the … Continue reading

Illustrator: Anna Bron

So we ran….

March 6, 2018 by Loren Balisky

If you didn’t get a chance to read the comic-style posters telling refugee stories at Vancouver bus-stops earlier this year, here’s your chance. The Mokhovikova family’s story is a powerful witness to the resilience and courage required in the face … Continue reading

Photo: Mark Janousek

Trust affirms dignity

December 18, 2016 by Loren Balisky

The forced displacement of millions in our world creates an opportunity to welcome, in trust, those who leave their homes and families to protect themselves from persecution.  Trust is a gift we give and receive in a world troubled by fear and suspicion.

What happens when…?

May 13, 2016 by Loren Balisky

What happens when we follow the lead of one boy, inviting us to welcome refugee claimants? Astonishing generosity that truly turns our world around. Watch this 30-second video to see how we, together, raised more than $65,000.

Photo: Visha Thamboo

“I’m deeply grateful….”

April 15, 2016 by steve

Volunteers bring skill, creativity, and freshness to the welcome of refugee claimants.  And they leave inspired and enriched. What a delight to have Anna Kvasnikova at Kinbrace! From February to April, Anna volunteered two days a week through the University … Continue reading

Mark Janousek

Life-vest, anyone?

April 8, 2016 by Loren Balisky

“My people buy these for a very expensive price, and still they drown,” Azad* tells me as he fits into an orange life-vest, looking out over the quiet south bay of Anvil Island, BC. The image of orange life-vests is synonymous … Continue reading