Host Community

Host Community from left to right: Jason, Krista, Jakob, Ben, Angela, Audrey, Kerry, and Ella

The Host Community is a group of families and individuals who call Kinbrace home. 

At the heart of the Kinbrace vision is living alongside refugee claimants as family. As the Host Community, Kinbrace is our home, and Kinbrace residents are more than neighbours; they become our friends and our family. Guided by the core values, the Host Community is available outside of office hours, offering an attentive and relational welcome as part of daily life. Our evenings and weekends together are punctuated by cups of tea, conversations in the backyard, spontaneous soccer games, and shared meals.

Meet our Host Community Members 

The Ewert Family

Hi! Our names are Ben and Krista, Jakob, Ella, and Audrey and we are the Ewert family. We have been part of the Kinbrace community since May 2021. 

We enjoy cycling around Vancouver, hiking and sharing good food with friends and neighbours.

The Lam Family

Hi, we’re Ang and Jason Lam! We are originally from the U.S. but are now LOVING our lives here in Canada. We never planned to leave ‘home’ but when we found ourselves in Canada it was very overwhelming and difficult to figure out. We are so pleased to be part of the team that helps others navigate being newcomers.

We are big lovers of animals, anything that causes us to laugh out loud, trying new foods, and nature. Since joining the Host Community in the Fall of 2023, we have just fallen in love with the Vancouver area and especially the people that are involved with Kinbrace. We are so thankful to have this opportunity to serve, learn, and grow with this Community!


Hi! My name is Kerry. I’m from Ireland & I have been part of the Kinbrace community since August 2023. I live in K2 and I love it here! Come join me for a cup of tea & a chat.

I love cafes, dogs & this community. You’ll often find me in the chicken coop hanging out with the girls.

Build Community
“We do not think ourselves into new ways of living, we live ourselves into new ways of thinking.” ―Richard Rohr